01/09/2023 - 10:00

Drafting Effective IG Policies – Vinnustofa um árangursríka stefnumótun föstudaginn 1. september 2023

Lewis Eisen (lewiseisen.com), sérfræðingur í stefnumörkun og ferlum, býður upp á einstakt tækifæri til að kafa dýpra ofan í helstu þætti árangursríkrar stefnumótunar, eftir erindi hans á ráðstefnu félagsins 31.ágúst 2023 (radstefna.irma.is). Vinnustofan stendur yfir í 3 klukkustundir, frá kl. 10-13 og er takmarkaður sætafjöldi í boði. Vinnustofan fer fram í Húsi atvinnulífsins, Borgartúni 35.

Þátttakendur fá eintak af metsölubók Eisen How to Write Rules that People Want to Follow: A guide to drafting respectful policies and directives. (https://www.amazon.com/Write-Rules-That-People-Follow/dp/1988749069


Vinnustofan kostar 25.000 kr og félagið mun senda út kröfu á þá sem skráðir eru.

Vinnustofan fer fram á ensku.


Workshop description: 

Every organization produces corporate policies to govern employee behaviour, but too often they are long, confusing, or written in a way that’s overly aggressive. When you look at your organization’s policies, do you find them concise or are they unnecessarily wordy? Are they courteous or do they sound like a sergeant barking orders? Poorly written policies result in a lack of buy-in and poor compliance from others in the organization.

This live hands-on workshop covers the elements foundational to drafting IG policies. We will explore the concepts and language that are necessary to reflect modern corporate values, including the goals of rule-making documents. We will also examine a number of techniques for drafting policy statements quickly and easily, raising fewest objections from approvers and others.

Topics include:

  • What’s the difference between a policy, a standard, and a procedure? 
  • How do we decide what is appropriate content?
  • How can we word statements to sound respectful while remaining strict?
  • Which definitions and roles/responsibilities should we provide? 

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.